Episode 58 with Phillip Carter

Episode # 58| 2022-05-18

Focusing on developer experience can make your products more powerful and your teams more empowered heuristics

Episode 58 is out. A long journey, and today with us, we have Phillip Carter. Phillip brings a heuristic from his repository: “Focusing on developer experience can make your products more powerful and your teams more empowered”. We deep dive into what is developer experience and how some companies don’t get it right. For example, developer experience is different from the software development lifecycle. He also gives excellent advice on how to start developer experience initiatives within the company and leverage the economics of scale.

Phillip recommends:

Phillip (@_cartermp) is a principal product manager at Honeycomb, focusing on making Observability accessible to all developers. He is a regular contributor to the OpenTelemetry project and helps drive Honeycomb’s strategy for OpenTelemetry, Open Source, and several integrations. Prior to Honeycomb, Phillip worked at Microsoft and helped build the modern cross-platform .NET from its first set of previews until .NET 5.

Phillip Carter (@_cartermp)
Focusing on developer experience can make your products more powerful and your teams more empowered heuristics
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